
ifeel girl search 2013

I'm thinking of whether want to participate this contest or not. The reason I'm interested because I want to take experience. I never participate this kind of contest although I've thought it long time. But, I have no confident, and this will be my shortcoming... Friends always encourage me to participate beauty contest, even my godmother ask me go participate Miss Astro, OMG!! This kind of contest I have no confident also, she ask me go Miss Astro = ='
But I really wanted to participate, at least my teenage life is colourful and not always only working and studying. haizz... what to do? Wait until I have confident? I think that time I already overage :(



不懂为什么今天突然很想上来写blog,可能有一天自己有什么事时,至少还会有人上来看下我的部落格怀念我一下,哈哈,开玩笑的啦^^ 可是谁也不知道明天会发生什么事啊。。。


其实为什么我会突然这样悲观呢?因为无可否认,我真的越来越严重了,只有我自己知道,我不敢给我家人知道,我不想我妈担心。。。看医生,医生抽了我的血然后跟我讲很正常,可是你不知道吗?它已经开始严重了!应该怎么办?吃保健品咯,有什么办法,医生又没给药吃,可是又懒惰吃= ='

最重要的还是要每天开开心心不可以生气,要找回以前的爱哭宝贝,因为以前的我虽然爱哭,可是活得很开心。。。也许会永远找不回那种感觉,因为已经长大了,该有的压力渐渐的都会降临在我身上,一一的来折磨我,挑战我 :( 有谁不想回到小时候,haiz...